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Are you a dedicated diver and a fisherman? What about challenging yourself and trying to combine swimming underwater and catching the fish simultaneously? Spearfishing is a relatively new recreational type of sport, yet it is gaining more and more followers around the globe due to the thrilling difficulty it offers. While it may seem rather easy – just take a spear, dive, and hunt, it still requires a certain set of skills and knowledge to secure each immersion.

Follow our guide to be well-prepared for the fish dive.

1.    Sign up for a training course and get the license

A training course is advisable for everyone who will start spearfishing, even if they are professional divers. The training course typically includes theory classes, pool sessions, and on-boat experiences. You will also learn breathing techniques and exercises to make your movements more efficient. Besides, you need to know how to manipulate the weapon – load, rig, aim, and fire, as these are the basics of safe water hunting.

Getting a license is an absolute must, as there are typically certain rules and regulations regarding fishing in particular areas. If you don’t get the license, you may be forced to pay fines.

2.    Prepare the kit

When choosing the spearfish kit, make sure you invest in high quality, as it is your safety, comfort, and efficiency under water. Besides, it will be a good idea to look for spearfishing gears Australia offers, as they are the best in terms of water sports.

A short list of prerequisites is speargun, fins and pockets, snorkel and mask, wetsuit, gloves, dive knife, float line and stringer, and weight belt.

The kit may slightly differ depending on the type of spearfishing: shallow water spearfishing, free-dive spearfishing, and scuba dive spearfishing.

While the majority of things are just basic ones for diving, a speargun requires more attention. There are two major types of spearguns, pneumatic and band powered, with the latter one dominating modern markets.

  • Pneumatic Spearguns were mainly used during the 1960s and 1970s, they fired with minimal recoil and allowed divers to make longer-range shots with more accuracy;
  • Band Powered Spearguns are almost entirely silent when firing and very easy to maintain.

If you are a complete beginner, you may need an entry-level speargun.


3.    Find a “spearo”

If you are a newbie, it is worth contacting a person who is proficient in spearfishing and joining them on several occasions. If there are no such people in your surrounding, social media will help to find specialized clubs. The first few immersions can be focused not on hunting itself, but on the behavior and tactics of the spear-buddy. Such a hands-on guided experience will make a good start for your upcoming performance.

Golden Rules of Spearfishing

  1. You need to be a good swimmer – quite an obvious yet vital rule. Take up spearfishing only if you feel comfortable in the water and have enough strength to swim for a long time.
  2. Be perceptive – it is important to listen to your guts. If you have a nagging feeling about going on a dive, just don’t do it. Weather conditions may change dramatically in less than an hour, the currents may change their direction, etc. Be vigilant about the water surrounding you, and change your plans accordingly. Don’t try to dare the sea or the ocean, this force is untameable.
  3. Learn to equalize – equalizing skills are essential for keeping your ears safe. If you have even the slightest signs of nose blockage, don’t go under the water, otherwise, it will damage your ears irreversibly.
  4. Never go alone – a lot of the dives prefer to skirt this rule, as they are too independent and appreciate the solitude of the underwater surroundings. However, it is absolutely essential to have someone watching your back and helping in the state of emergency.
  5. Don’t point the weapon at people – just don’t. Even if you are super attentive, just an instance, and you can fire your buddy.
  6. Don’t be chaotic – don’t create chaos under the water, shooting every single fish you see. Just hunt one, or two, which will be enough for you to eat and enjoy the atmosphere.

Spearfishing is a great way to get distracted from your routine, enjoy the underwater world’s beauty, and get the thrill of hunting. To make the most out of this experience, learn the basics, prepare the kit, be vigilant, and just have fun!









